Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Projects on the horizon

Well, it looks like April is going to be my British Columbia month. :)
I have my senior recital coming up. This is the last thing I need to do to finish up the violin performance part of my degree. I'll be performing Bach's Partita II in d minor unaccompanied, and then Betty-Ann Vroom and I will perform Beethoven's Spring Sonata (Op. 24) for Violin and Piano. It's going to be a grand ol' time. :)
I'll fly back to ON, stay here for a few weeks before heading right back out to BC for the last week of April. The Blazing Fiddles are going on tour out there, so we'll be playing lots of shows. Also, I'll be having my "Just a Taste" CD release on the West Coast on Thursday, April 29! So, be there or be somewhere else that's not as cool. :) After I perform the tracks that are on the album (+ lots more), the Blazing Fiddles will start the party. It'll be a fantastic show, for sure. Location tba--I'm trying to decide whether to do it in Langley or Vancouver. We'll see.
We'll see what March has to bring, but it looks like it'll be a good one, too. :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

The CD is finished!! :)


It has been such a fun project to work on, and now it is *done*!


Here are some pictures:
The first one is of the CD case, and the second one is of the actual CD. All the CDs were printed by Tik Tok Media who were absolutely wonderful to deal with. So helpful and professional. The CD cases were made by yours truly, and they took a really long time. :) Haha. But I think they ended up looking pretty cool!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The best weekend ever

Okay. I know that one of the most boring things to read about on a blog is sleep. But this weekend was too beautiful not to post about. So, I'm dedicating this post to The Weekend of Stupendous Sleep (TWSS, for short)
This was honestly *the* weekend for catching up on the nebulous phenomenon of disappearing from the world for hours and coming back feeling refreshed and rejuvenated! For some reason, lots of things that I planned to go to got I played my anti-social card (I give myself approximately 4.25 per year) to the full extent of the law and slept.

This is the bliss that TWSS had in store for me:
12 hours on Thursday night,
15 hours on Friday night, and
7 on Saturday night (with a 2 hr nap on Sunday afternoon).
I'm finally feeling like myself for the first time in weeks. Which means that the next post will be more eventful.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting ready for February 6!!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while. Today I decided to stop thinking about it and just do it. :)

So, the most exciting project I'm working on right now is the CD release party for "Just a Taste". It's a joint show with The Blazing Fiddles, and it is coming up really quickly! I have lots to do before then, but it's all fun stuff. Working toward a project is always fun...and deadlines are good for the soul. :P

Scott Aasman did an awesome job of the CD art. I can't wait to show it to everybody, but I also kind of want it to be a surprise. I can never keep surprises as surprises, so I'll probably cave and end up posting the sketch in a few days.

And, I don't want to give away too much about the actual CD cover either, but they're homemade, and they're taking a loooong time. Oh, who am I kidding--I'll probably post a picture of the cover in a few days, too. :P Hee hee. Anyway, suffice to say for now that they are going to be my biggest project over the next two weeks.

I just have to say that Brian Chan and Dwayne Harder have been lifesavers for me in getting this project finished in time. I can't say enough about how much I appreciate what they've done to make sure everything gets finished in time. They are wonderful people, and they really went out of their way--above and beyond, as the old adage goes--this week.

Another exciting show is happening that same night right after the CD release party. The Blazing Fiddles are celebrating the upcoming launch of our new website. We've been having lots of rehearsals to put together some new material for the show. We're kind of going all out for this, video, and some extra percussion. :) There may or may not be some Jeff Taylor vocals (in case you don't know, he usually plays jazz violin/fiddle), Adam Poot accordion (usually on piano), and Chris Kettlewell guitar (usually on bass). It's going to be tons of fun.

Honestly, I can't think of a better birthday party than a double celebration like this!

For more info on this show and/or other updates, feel free to add me on facebook @! Or get a sneak preview of the album tracks ("preview" being the keyword--it is reduced quality cuz it's myspace) @